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When you feel like quitting ask yourself why you started?

When you feel like quitting, ask yourself why you started. Remind yourself of the reasons why you began the task, project, or journey in the first place. Consider if those reasons are still valid and if achieving your goals could benefit you in the long-term. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made so far, and realize that you are closer to achieving success than when you first started.

If you’re still feeling unmotivated, try changing your physiology. Stand up, move around, and stretch your body. Change your environment and take a break from the task at hand. Spend time with friends or family, or go for a walk outside. Doing something different can help to stimulate your brain and get you out of the ‘funk’.

No matter what you are going through, remember that it is possible to get through it. Be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up over any mistakes that may have been made. Think positively, channel your energy into something constructive, and remember that failure is part of life.

Finally, take a little time to identify what it is that you love about the task at hand. This can help you to stay motivated and inspired as you continue to work towards your goal. Focus on the joy that completing the task will bring you, rather than the effort it will take to get there.



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